who is the slowest?
who is the slowest?
run around
the bay
When it comes to slow-crafted fermented bread, slow is good. The question was how to create drama and engagement around the goodness of slow. After all, watching bread ferment wasn’t going to do it. So, we created a grand prize for the slowest runner at one of Canada’s premium long-distance marathons. While runners from across Canada competed for being the fastest – we celebrated the slowest runner, which in this case went to a brave and determined long-distance runner named Sandra Holder. She courageously crossed the finish line with a great big smile, knowing that no one else would be crossing the finish line behind her. The result was over 12 million earned impressions and the attraction of a new health-minded target group. The “Run around the bay” promo was part of a multi-channel, multi-content program that drove year over year sales up 34%.
The idea of a Slow Crafted Bread, as a positioning in a crowded bread category was unique, and helped propel sales of Stonemill Slow Crafted Breads, while competitors were in decline. Over the next several years, we expressed slow-crafted in many different ways, beyond celebrating the slowest runner in Run Around The Bay.
From the notion that great love in relationships takes time, to the joy of slowing down and embracing a more quiet, thoughtful lifestyle, here are a few more things we did to reinforce Stonemill’s unique selling proposition, driving sales.